Time Is A Sneaky Devil
I didn't realize that it had been almost two months since I posted anything. Yikes! I worked on a NaNoWriMo novel that sucked away my time on November like a vampire with a bad case of cotton mouth. And speaking of vampires, my Blood Sacraments anthology editor, Todd Gregory, asked me for an angel story for an upcoming anthology. Another editor liked my Blood Sacraments story so much that he sent me a call for submissions for another anthology. So I've been busy besides the NaNoWriMo mess. And... I'm trying to find new D/s characters that I can take into a novel, so I auditioned a pair in the Hamadryad Essence, which appears in the upcoming Toy Boxes: Pine Switches anthology from Torquere Press (It will be released sometime in the next couple weeks. I'll let you know as soon as I have a date.) It's steampunk paranormal, set in San Francisco in 1908 or so. Since it's a historical this is a leap for me. If you read it, let me know if their chemistry works for you. Let me know if it doesn't. |
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